In 1976 the youth of South Africa banned together to cause the largest youth uprising the world has ever seen. Between 3 000 to 10 000 students took to the streets of Soweto to demonstrate their beliefs. Their demonstration of fierceness triggered the world to wake up and listen.
I have witnessed firsthand the amazing capabilities the youth of South Africa has to offer. They need to and should be seen and heard, henceforth the concept of showcasing their talent was born and developed into a youth magazine “S.A.L.T”.
“To the youth of today, I also wish to make: be the scriptwriters of your destiny and feature yourselves as stars that showed the way towards a brighter future”, a quote by the infamous Tata Madiba Nelson Mandela. SALT is invested in featuring the Strength, Ambition, Love, and Talent of the youth, because they are the SALT of this earth, and deserve “THE STAGE”.
As SALT features the stars, we also aim to educate and motivate the youth, as well as provide exciting entertainment and growth opportunities. The growth of small businesses is vital and SALT seeks to provide a marketing platform for entrepreneurs as well as provide an employment channel for the unemployed.
As the SALT family, we are dedicated to elevating our beautiful country, because we believe elevation is ignited by our youth, therefore we are passionate about inspiring the youth towards a better today and a successful tomorrow. Ignite and elevate with SALT!
Meet The SALT Family
Bash it out with Tash
Cars & Brah’s
Journalist – Melinda Korposh
Journalist – Roxanne Alex Thavarayan
Raeesah Mahomed1